Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mid week update in Wynnewood vlog and what comes next!

It's been an interesting week here in Wynnewood.
Mostly just shift work and getting used to being on that schedule.
But also, we have our next assignment that will be after Wynnewood.
And our next destination after Wynnewood (with a brief period in Chicago likely) will be...

Ningbo China!
Just south of Shanghai
Yes this will be our first trip out of the states. We'll be flying out there at the end of October and staying a few months, probably till the new year at least. 
Katie and I are really excited to be traveling out of the United States. Going to have lots of stories and pictures from this and we can't wait to share them with everyone. 
Now more of what is going on right now. 

I mention it in the video but everyone here really didn't have a preference on who got what shift, be it day or night shift. So the chief (Jimmy) literally flipped a coin and Katie got night shift.
That entails that she will be working 7:30pm to 7:30 am.
Now, why this doesn't matter is that when you work twelve hour shifts, you get back to the room, eat some food (our case breakfast), take a shower, and then you catch some sleep. Wake up and do it again.
Going to have another post up here before too much longer. Slowly getting them up faster and faster.
Here is a little picture preview of what's going to be in the next post.

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