Saturday, November 15, 2014

Toledo, Turkey, and Tricoci Spa

Thursday, we drove through the snow from Toledo to Chicago. 
It stopped snowing just long enough to snap this picture
To sum up Toledo, I'd call it a speed bump. We were there just one week, with most of that being shift work it kind of just flew right by us. It feels like we just got in when, we are suddenly packing up and leaving. On our last night there, we had Hibachi grill with the Chief, Yan. Here we discovered that Katie and Yan have very similar tastes in many things. They had the same jacket (different color), the same stone in their wedding ring (blue sapphire), the same taste in sushi (eel), and even the same purse. The only difference seemed to be that Katie ordered shrimp and Yan ordered steak and chicken...which was my order. Yan (pronounced Yen) has been on the road for nearly ten years and we learned a lot of valuable lessons from her. 
With Toledo over we now look ahead to what awaits us; Turkey.

We spent most of Saturday getting odds and ends together for Turkey. Small things like getting another suitcase to take extra supplies. Picking up small size umbrellas. Getting a Windows Surface Pro 3.
Seriously, the Surface Pro 3 is awesome, nothing but great things to say about it

And lest we not forget proposing to my wife again.
Ask Katie which she liked more in 10 years, Hot Air Balloon over Disney vs Marriott hotel room

Quick explanation of that: Katie has the best wedding ring in the word.
And we don't really want to risk losing it overseas. So we picked up a substitute ring. One that still claims her as being married but a little bit more practical. 

The winking schmuck claiming her. Isn't she lucky

Prepped and packed up for Sunday, when we totally are not getting massages done before getting on the plane, the plan goes as such:

Fun fact, Istanbul is considered part of Europe and Asia

It should be a ten and half to eleven hour flight, one way. 
From there we have about an hour drive to Izmit which is where the assignment is. (see what I did there?).  We will be in Turkey for quite some time, at least until the end of February. 
The schedule, while not set in stone, seems to be one that will have some extended periods of time off. This means that we will have opportunities to go exploring nearby countries. A big one on our list is Greece. We are super excited about this chance to go see crazy new places and I can't wait to share our travels with you here. 
Going to take lots of pictures and video of our flight and once we arrive in Turkey. So stay tuned for all the fun.

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